Lululemon Pledges a Perfect Fit for Your Next Yoga Pants
This is about as breaking as news gets in the yoga world, so we had to share. Perhaps inspired by the infamous comments of lululemon’s founder, lulu’s latest product offering/innovation appears to be...
View ArticleIs Your Head on Straight?
Freeze! Don’t move and notice your posture. Chances are–if you’re reading this on a computer, tablet or smart phone–your head and shoulders are hunched forward and your spine is rounded. Your...
View ArticleIs Your Yoga Earth-Friendly?
In line with the principle of Ahimsa, which translates as “non-harming,” as yogis we’re continually looking for ways to live in a peaceful way on and off the mat. This includes seeking ways to...
View ArticleThe Advanced Yoga Practice for When Things Fall Apart
Crap happens. Things fall apart. Life gets hard. This is about the advanced, accessible yoga practice that will help you when that happens. Read on… We make life harder or easier depending on how we...
View ArticleHow Yoga Teaches Generosity
If you have a candle, the light won’t glow any dimmer if I light yours off of mine. ~ Steven Tyler Yoga has changed my view of generosity. I have learned to give without expectation and to always...
View ArticleSacred Sound: Mantras & Chants
Many years ago when I started a yoga practice, I had no idea what it would reveal to me. I was just hoping for a little extra strength and flexibility, and I did what I could to avoid all the...
View ArticleThe Yoga of Acceptance
Life is a series of natural and spontaneous changes. Don’t resist them; that only creates sorrow. Let reality be reality. Let things flow naturally forward in whatever way they like. – Lao Tzu The...
View Article10 Benefits of Gratitude
Rick Foster and Greg Hicks set out on a three-year journey to study extremely happy people. In their book How We Choose to Be Happy, they found that there are nine choices happy people make. One of...
View Article10 Things I Learned From Destination Yoga Teacher Training
1. I am stronger than I know. I spent hours upon hours, day after day doing insane amounts of intense yoga. My body did not let me down. On the contrary, it surprised me almost daily by how much it...
View ArticleTheming your yoga class, theming your life…
Theming is an integral part of the class-planning process if you are a yoga teacher, whether it is done consciously or not. Some people prefer to prepare a short story or inspirational reading, others...
View Article5 Ways Yoga Can Help You Fall in Love with Your Body
When I first started doing yoga, I really didn’t like my body very much. I rarely had any positive thoughts about it. Mostly when I thought about my body I felt frustrated, or ashamed. These sound like...
View Article5 Simple Tips for Becoming a Master of Meditation
Want to take on meditation? Here’s 5 tips to help: Sit. Learning to sit can be a challenge. Do some light stretches before sitting down and then start off with just 5 minutes of sitting–see how it...
View Article8 Ways to Be Your Own Best Teacher
No matter how we define a teacher or a guru—an expert, an enlightened person, or someone who challenges us in a way that makes us look at all of our own limiting beliefs—each of these ways of looking...
View ArticleThe Yoga of Travel
Giant Rubber Duck Meditating on the Lake… Seoul, Korea The time has finally come. September marked the last month of The Alchemy of Flow and Form: Advanced Teacher Training at San Marcos School of Yoga...
View ArticleGratitude: How to Sing from the Mountaintops
What are you grateful for? This question can become cliché and trite when you read it every single day on Instagram posts. Gratitude can become stale and void of meaning when #gratitudechallenge is...
View ArticleHow Yoga Can Help You Stop Feeling Like You’re Not Spiritual Enough and Love...
I used to feel like a bad yoga teacher, like someone who wasn’t living up to the title. Because I like to wear stylish clothes, love when my Vogue and Vanity Fair magazines arrive in the mail, and the...
View Article5 Ways Yoga Helps
Yoga means union. In a world that bombards us with clichés regarding a mind, body & spirit connection, this is very important. But in real people terms, what is the connection between the poses...
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